Product Showing

Department Store Decor at the Orchid Garden

The great thing about an online store is that our customers don’t have to go through the traffic to see our products, get our prices or even place their orders. The down side though is that sometimes customers may have had bad experiences with other online retailers and so have some reservations about ordering a product they haven’t seen in person.
At Meridian TT we pride ourselves in providing products with clear and accurate photographs or from well know and trusted brands. Even then, we want our customers to have absolute confidence in every candle holder and every microfiber cloth. That’s why when our friends at Baig’s Orchids Garden invited us to show our products at their Christmas sale this weekend, we jumped at the opportunity. So now we are inviting you to come on down, see, touch and get a feel for our products, meet our team and even place orders.
The sale is on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th December at the orchid garden which is located at 1181 Sweet Slope Road, Block 7, Palmiste. We will be there from 9am on both days so come and bring some friends.


Baigs Sale Meridian TT show 2
Baig’s is known for their exquisite collection of Dendrobiums, Mokara, Aranda, Strap Vandas, Cattleyas.
Meridian TT is known for shelving, car care products decor and kitchen essentials.